Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Et lille smil på læben

Min søster sagde de 2 sidste ord på vej hjem fra gymnastik idag (jeg hentede hende) og de lagde grund til denne lille tekst. Var ikke sikker på hvad jeg ville kalde den, jeg ville oprindeligt havde kaldt den de to sidste ord men teksten endte med at blive om et lille smil på læben så det blev titlen, rimelig personlig tekst.
Hvis i undre jer over at der ikke sker så meget så er det fordi at jeg i øjeblikket bruger min energi på Youtube. Her er et link til min profil
Nyd filmene og læs teksten.

Et lille smil på læben.
Det er sjovt som jeg kan sidde her, med et lille smil på læben og skrive om hvad der nu lige finder vej frem til tastaturet. Sidde i mit lille værelse, i min lille stol, med min lille sjæl og skrive om store ting, altid med et lille smil på læben. Med mine små hænder skaber jeg store lande, med mine små tanker opfinder jeg store helte, med min lille hjerne udtænker jeg store planer, med mit lille hjerte banker jeg en historie sammen, men min lille sjæl skabes og brydes venskaber, alt sammen med et lille smil på læben. Med et lille smil på læben fødes vor helt, med et lille smil på læben lever hvor helt og med et lille smil på læben dømmes vor helt til undergang. Ingen tårer triller når hans udkårne dør, ingen latter bryder luften når en punchline sættes ind, intet lettet åndedrag trækkes når helten klarer skærende men blot et lille smil på læben.
Selv mine mest personlige tekster er skrevet med et lille smil på læben, som om jeg ved at alt bliver godt, som om jeg ved hvad der vil ske. Med et lille smil på læben skrev jeg Kærlighed, med et lille smil på læben øsede jeg ud fra det inderste. Jeg græder ikke, papiret græder.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

10 years later.

Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at vide hvad i mener denne historie handler om, hvem er manden, hvem er kvinden, og hvad er der sket de sidste 10 år?

10 years later.
The sun was slowly setting as a lone man appeared, he was walking down the small road of dust that lead to her house. He was walking slowly and those who saw him did not doubt that this was a man who had walked for many months, his feet was bare and his clothe was torn, he wore a small bag on his back and a single sword by his side. He looked older than he was, about 50 was what people would have guessed had they been pressed, but he was never more the 40. He didn’t look around him as he walked down the road, he looked straight ahead as if the mere mortals in the rice fields were of no concern to him. He had a distant look upon his face as if he was about to end a long journey into the unknown. He stopped as he reached her house, just stood there looking at the little house by the dusty road. He could hear the sound of children laughing in the house. He smiled by himself as he knocked on the door.
He could hear the footsteps before the door opened, she stood in the doorway holding a small child on one arm and a tiny glass bottle in the other. She looked at him curiously as if she was trying to place him in a string of memories. The bottle broke on the floor as she stumbled backwards as if hit in the face. He looked at her with a sad smile upon his face as she stood there staring at him with terror in her eyes.
“You..?” she gasped pointing at him “Now?” Even scared and confused she looked pretty, just as the first time he had seen her, 10 years ago on this day.
“I told you to settle down…” the man began in a voice that was weak due to lack of use. “I told you to wait for my return, I told you to move on and I told you that you would cry the day returned.” He looked at her terrified face with a small smile as he continued: ”I told you it would take years, I told you it would make you miserable, I told you to think hard before acting. You told me to mind my own, you told me to do as told, you told me to do the deed.” He pulled his sword from its shed and held it high. “I told you you would feel nothing but regret, I told you that I would do as told. I tell you it’s been 10 years, I tell you it is done, I tell you I am ended.” He placed the sword at her feet and drew his last breath, leaving her crying with a crying baby.


The Grim Reaper, Heaven, Hell, The underworld, tomb, the next plane, reincarnation all these words and more lead the mind to one single thing. It is the thing that since the ancient Egypt’s to the scientists of today intrigue and confuse more than any other thing. The one thing that was decided before we were even born, the one rule that we as humans have no power over: all that lives must die. Death, a word? Yes. But also a mystery, a wonder, a terror beyond all else. We have long since explored the debt of space and we know what needs to be known of our planet, but the one thing that every man, woman and child have in common is the thing we know least off. The million dollar question is of course how YOU feel about death. Think about it for a minute and then answer the question, I don’t want to hear the answer but I think it is important to know your own feelings on this subject because I doubt you will draw the “get out of jail” free card on this one. When you know your own feeling on the matter then maybe you will start to realize what it is that makes you face death with fear, determination, satisfaction or whatever feelings describes your death and maybe even figure out how you can change that feeling if you feel the need to do so. Me? Well I would like to tell you that I had excepted my fate and would embrace the reaper with open arms when he came for me, but that is not the case. Sure if the reaper does come for me I will try to pull out a few puns on the dude because he must have a depressing job and some pissed off customers. But jokes aside: I am absolutely terrified of Death.
Genesis 3
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

I don’t believe in an afterlife, we are but smart animals that live on this earth until the day comes where we are struck by death, believing that we should somehow be superior to animals and therefore get a second chance seems silly and childish to me. After that there is nothing but emptiness, that is how I see death, as the end the candle that flickers and dies never to be lit again. But what really scares me about death? It’s not the thought of never seeing friends and family again, not that there is anything wrong with them, I just think I could manage. No my problem lies in the fact that I am a hopeless romantic, I believe in an only one somewhere on the planet. I recently left a girl who was nice and kind by all means, all because I knew she wasn’t the one, and I felt terrible about being with someone I didn’t fully love. Some of my best friends are finding love these years and my brother just moved in with his girlfriend, and while this all happens I find myself looking at them from the sideline, unable to endure what I don’t go through, I hide the pain behind a smiling face. So what scares me about love? Not finding it of course.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Right now three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

When we go through life some people are lucky and find love, others decides to settle with what they can get, I don’t belong to either group at the moment. I seek love by all my heart and I cannot take a woman to me if I don’t truly love her, because that would go against everything I believe in and that is something I simply cannot do. And then it ends as we die, without ever seeing that greatest of gods gifts, but what if the bible is right what if there is a life after this?
~ Samuel 1:23.
Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided.

When we think of life after death we often think of a place of peace where we meet our loved ones, but can we meet new people in heaven? Will the lonely on earth be lonely in heaven? Or will we be able to find love in the afterlife. We will not know before the fat lady sings that much is certain, so guess if you must, speculate if you will, but try to accept that we will all die in the end.
~ 1 Corinthians 15:26
The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.

Endelig et nytigt fadervor

Fandt på det her den anden dag, syntes selv det er ret godt.

Leder vor, du som styrer værket.
Lønnen den komme fra dig, betales til os.
Ske din viljes, om på kontoret således også på fabrikken.
Giv os i dag vort daglige fred og forlad os vort arbejde,
som også vi forlade vore arbejdere.
Og send os ikke i stressens greb,
Men fri os fra vor pligter.
Thi dit er værket, magten og lønnen, i evighed.

The Pinwheel

We live our lives as the pinwheel spin.

He traveled along the street, dusty as it was.
A pinwheel lay at his feet, cheerful as it was.

He returned back home, on that dusty day.
Little more than skin and bone, on that dusty day.

His mind was filled with memories, painful as they were.
His body was filled with scars, hideous as they were.

His heart was filled with sadness, as he passed his widows house.
His soul was left unforgiven, as the coffin passed his widows house.

6 people walked down a road, with a coffin on their shoulders.
100 people followed 6, with great sadness on their shoulders.

A single soul saw this charade, and understood.
Hundreds of people saw the parade, and thought they understood.

One body was lovered into the ground, a soul stayed behind.
106 people left the grave, a soul stayed behind.

He traveled along the street, dusty as it was.
A pinwheel lay at his feet, cheerful as it was.

We lose our lives as the pinwheel spin.