Så sidder jeg igen her med forfatteren til Det Røde Land der nu igen er begyndt på en ny serie nemlig Simon Greve-Poulsen.
Og nu er det så at jeg bliver nød til at spørge dig hvordan det kan være at du så hurtigt gik i gang med The ace of spades?
Faktisk er selve personen ace of spades og især prologen noget jeg fandt på lige efter jeg startede med at skrive StS. Jeg har i lang tid godt kunne tænke mig sådan 4 over skurke, og derfra blev de fire konger skabt. I det hele taget syntes jeg at kort er geniale især når de bliver sat i forhold til spådomme og magi.
Desuden passede personerne i historien bare godt ind i kort roller.
Der går rygter om at du selv vil optræde i Ace of spades, er det sandt?
Det er det helt sikkert. (nikker Simon energisk) Hvad folk ikke har opdaget er at jeg faktisk også var med i StS. Desuden er jeg også at finde i et par af mine andre historier. Så du kan jo prøve om du kan finde mig.
Du har hintet til at der skulle være et gennemgående tema i alle dine historier, kan du uddybe hvad det er?
Det kan jeg da sagtens men jeg vil godt lige fortælle hvordan jeg voksede op først da det formentlig er grunden til at jeg bruger netop dette tema i mine historier.
Hmm hvor skal man starte. Jo jeg kan da starte derhjemme. Jeg har 3 søskende der alle er lige netop det ældre eller det yngre end mig. Og med ”det” mener jeg den aldersforskel hvor man kan knytte nogle solide bånd til hinanden. Så det var ikke så godt, der var også det problem at min bror altid har været moden af sin alder og for lige at sætte det i perspektiv så var han mere moden da han var 15 end jeg er nu. Nå det var jo så trist.
Så kom jeg satme i skole hvor jeg ikke ligefrem blev populær af grunde jeg ikke vil diskutere på cyberspace. Nå men jeg fik da en 4-5 rimelig gode venner som holdt mig ved selskab men gruppen gik langsomt i stykker. En person blev en nar, et par stykker flyttede til en lorte skole og blev også nar røve og de sidste flyttede langt væk. Lort hva?
Ja det må du nok sige
Nå men så kom man heldigvis til Realskolen hvor jeg også fik nogle gode venner, som jeg desuden stadig er sammen med. De er sku også flinke og alt det der men allerede her har vi haft det centrale problem. Fordi da jeg kom på Realen og fik ”Rigtige” venner der var det sku 7 klasse. Hvis jeg nu havde kunne huske noget mere Freud ville jeg sikkert sige et eller andet klogt men det er det sgu for sent til, pointen er at et barn lærer sine sociale egenskaber til og med fjerde klasse. Og da jeg intil da stort set ikke havde haft venner var det jo lidt noget lort (den nu opløste grupper af nar røve startede i slutningen af fjerde klasse).
Og nu kan vi så endelig nå til det føromtalte overliggende tema i alle mine historier: Ensomhed.
Ruk var enspænder og endte i en gruppe der når jeg kigger på den igen minder enormt meget om den første gruppe venner jeg havde.
Lucarad er en enspænder af grunde jeg ikke har helt klarlagt for jer læsere endnu, han var også alene i barndommen og søger derfor selskab i Ritai.
The Horrors of the Dream world handler om en person der er alene med sine problemer.
Why Do I exist? Giver vel sig selv.
Stolemanden er også enspænder og arbejder alene.
En anden ting jeg kan sige er at jeg altid har nydt spil og film hvor hovedpersonen er en helt mod en masse skurke, to lige store grupper der slås har aldrig været mig. Hvorfor? Fordi jeg kan relatere til den ensomme helt.
Hvis vi skal nå til et hvorfor jeg skriver på denne måde så er det faktisk ret simpelt. Det er nemt. Da jeg ikke har så mange 1-1 venskaber så finder jeg det uhyggeligt svært at skrive om to eller flere personer der er dybt sammentømrede. Jeg har ikke haft den der ven man har kendt siden man var 3 måneder gammel, og derfor kan jeg heller ikke forestille mig hvordan de er over for hinanden og hvordan de reagere på prøvelser. Ergo er det enormt svært at skrive om, hvorimod den ensomme og eventuelt misforståede hovedperson der desperat forsøger at finde venner er meget nemmere for mig at skrive om. Det er også grunden til at det tager så lang tid at skrive bare et afsnit af mig og B’s ”hemmelige” serie.
Så hvis vi skal prøve at så på mig igennem Freunds personlighedsmodel der består af lyster/drifter (Id), den bevidste del af personen (Jeg) og den moralske del af hjernen (over jeg)
Personligt har jeg faktisk et Id der er meget tryghedssøgende og utrolig socialt men mit jeg og mit overjeg holder Id’et i skak for at undgå problemer i form af afvigelser og lignende. Som i nok kan tænke jer gør det det også svært for mig at afkode budskaber fra det modsatte køn, da jeg ikke ved og de bare er venner eller de vil noget mere. Det var for resten også grunden til den seriøse bommert af en tid mellem mig og Kirstine, hvis nogen kan huske syvende klasse. Jeg var simpelthen ikke sikker på hvad hun ville og jeg turde ikke gøre noget af frygt for hvad jeg kunne gøre forkert.
Da jeg heller ikke har haft noget succesfuldt kærlighedsliv indtil videre så har jeg også enormt svært ved at skrive om netop kærlighed. Faktisk har Ruk og Lucarad begge haft dårlige kærlighedserfaringer i deres ungdom hvilket vil komme op til overfladen senere hen.
Det spørgsmål der nager mig mest er faktisk hvor meget det betyder for mig selv. Til daglig tænker jeg jo ikke over det og derfor er det heller ikke i vejen på nogen måde. Men når jeg skal snakke om det og formulere det så er det en anden sag. Jeg skrev med en svensker over MSN den anden dag og vi begyndte at snakke tidlige venskaber kærester og lignende. Det er nemlig her det er svært, jeg bliver en smule trist og får sådan en lille kugle af depression eller noget lignende. Jeg kan sige jer hvor den er hvis i er interesserede den sidder lige i mit mellemgulv. Ikke i hjertet.
Nå nu har jeg vidst også sagt nok. Skrid fister.
Undskyld, undskyld. Ja ja jeg skal nok gå. En sidste kommentar?
Det skulle da lige være at forsikre jer om at jeg ikke er på sammenbrudets rand. Det er blot en stil ligesom den jeg skrev første år på handelsskolen. Måske kommer den også op på et tidspunkt hvem ved. Nå fakta er at det er sent og jeg må skride.
I må ha det alle sammen ses vi den ottende?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Interview med forfatteren 4
Så sidder jeg igen her med forfatteren til Det Røde Land der nu igen er begyndt på en ny serie nemlig Simon Greve-Poulsen.
Og nu er det så at jeg bliver nød til at spørge dig hvordan det kan være at du så hurtigt gik i gang med The ace of spades?
Faktisk er selve personen ace of spades og især prologen noget jeg fandt på lige efter jeg startede med at skrive StS. Jeg har i lang tid godt kunne tænke mig sådan 4 over skurke, og derfra blev de fire konger skabt. I det hele taget syntes jeg at kort er geniale især når de bliver sat i forhold til spådomme og magi.
Desuden passede personerne i historien bare godt ind i kort roller.
Der går rygter om at du selv vil optræde i Ace of spades, er det sandt?
Det er det helt sikkert. (nikker Simon energisk) Hvad folk ikke har opdaget er at jeg faktisk også var med i StS. Desuden er jeg også at finde i et par af mine andre historier. Så du kan jo prøve om du kan finde mig.
Du har hintet til at der skulle være et gennemgående tema i alle dine historier, kan du uddybe hvad det er?
Det kan jeg da sagtens men jeg vil godt lige fortælle hvordan jeg voksede op først da det formentlig er grunden til at jeg bruger netop dette tema i mine historier.
Hmm hvor skal man starte. Jo jeg kan da starte derhjemme. Jeg har 3 søskende der alle er lige netop det ældre eller det yngre end mig. Og med ”det” mener jeg den aldersforskel hvor man kan knytte nogle solide bånd til hinanden. Så det var ikke så godt, der var også det problem at min bror altid har været moden af sin alder og for lige at sætte det i perspektiv så var han mere moden da han var 15 end jeg er nu. Nå det var jo så trist.
Så kom jeg satme i skole hvor jeg ikke ligefrem blev populær af grunde jeg ikke vil diskutere på cyberspace. Nå men jeg fik da en 4-5 rimelig gode venner som holdt mig ved selskab men gruppen gik langsomt i stykker. En person blev en nar, et par stykker flyttede til en lorte skole og blev også nar røve og de sidste flyttede langt væk. Lort hva?
Ja det må du nok sige
Nå men så kom man heldigvis til Realskolen hvor jeg også fik nogle gode venner, som jeg desuden stadig er sammen med. De er sku også flinke og alt det der men allerede her har vi haft det centrale problem. Fordi da jeg kom på Realen og fik ”Rigtige” venner der var det sku 7 klasse. Hvis jeg nu havde kunne huske noget mere Freud ville jeg sikkert sige et eller andet klogt men det er det sgu for sent til, pointen er at et barn lærer sine sociale egenskaber til og med fjerde klasse. Og da jeg intil da stort set ikke havde haft venner var det jo lidt noget lort (den nu opløste grupper af nar røve startede i slutningen af fjerde klasse).
Og nu kan vi så endelig nå til det føromtalte overliggende tema i alle mine historier: Ensomhed.
Ruk var enspænder og endte i en gruppe der når jeg kigger på den igen minder enormt meget om den første gruppe venner jeg havde.
Lucarad er en enspænder af grunde jeg ikke har helt klarlagt for jer læsere endnu, han var også alene i barndommen og søger derfor selskab i Ritai.
The Horrors of the Dream world handler om en person der er alene med sine problemer.
Why Do I exist? Giver vel sig selv.
Stolemanden er også enspænder og arbejder alene.
En anden ting jeg kan sige er at jeg altid har nydt spil og film hvor hovedpersonen er en helt mod en masse skurke, to lige store grupper der slås har aldrig været mig. Hvorfor? Fordi jeg kan relatere til den ensomme helt.
Hvis vi skal nå til et hvorfor jeg skriver på denne måde så er det faktisk ret simpelt. Det er nemt. Da jeg ikke har så mange 1-1 venskaber så finder jeg det uhyggeligt svært at skrive om to eller flere personer der er dybt sammentømrede. Jeg har ikke haft den der ven man har kendt siden man var 3 måneder gammel, og derfor kan jeg heller ikke forestille mig hvordan de er over for hinanden og hvordan de reagere på prøvelser. Ergo er det enormt svært at skrive om, hvorimod den ensomme og eventuelt misforståede hovedperson der desperat forsøger at finde venner er meget nemmere for mig at skrive om. Det er også grunden til at det tager så lang tid at skrive bare et afsnit af mig og B’s ”hemmelige” serie.
Så hvis vi skal prøve at så på mig igennem Freunds personlighedsmodel der består af lyster/drifter (Id), den bevidste del af personen (Jeg) og den moralske del af hjernen (over jeg)
Personligt har jeg faktisk et Id der er meget tryghedssøgende og utrolig socialt men mit jeg og mit overjeg holder Id’et i skak for at undgå problemer i form af afvigelser og lignende. Som i nok kan tænke jer gør det det også svært for mig at afkode budskaber fra det modsatte køn, da jeg ikke ved og de bare er venner eller de vil noget mere. Det var for resten også grunden til den seriøse bommert af en tid mellem mig og Kirstine, hvis nogen kan huske syvende klasse. Jeg var simpelthen ikke sikker på hvad hun ville og jeg turde ikke gøre noget af frygt for hvad jeg kunne gøre forkert.
Da jeg heller ikke har haft noget succesfuldt kærlighedsliv indtil videre så har jeg også enormt svært ved at skrive om netop kærlighed. Faktisk har Ruk og Lucarad begge haft dårlige kærlighedserfaringer i deres ungdom hvilket vil komme op til overfladen senere hen.
Det spørgsmål der nager mig mest er faktisk hvor meget det betyder for mig selv. Til daglig tænker jeg jo ikke over det og derfor er det heller ikke i vejen på nogen måde. Men når jeg skal snakke om det og formulere det så er det en anden sag. Jeg skrev med en svensker over MSN den anden dag og vi begyndte at snakke tidlige venskaber kærester og lignende. Det er nemlig her det er svært, jeg bliver en smule trist og får sådan en lille kugle af depression eller noget lignende. Jeg kan sige jer hvor den er hvis i er interesserede den sidder lige i mit mellemgulv. Ikke i hjertet.
Nå nu har jeg vidst også sagt nok. Skrid fister.
Undskyld, undskyld. Ja ja jeg skal nok gå. En sidste kommentar?
Det skulle da lige være at forsikre jer om at jeg ikke er på sammenbrudets rand. Det er blot en stil ligesom den jeg skrev første år på handelsskolen. Måske kommer den også op på et tidspunkt hvem ved. Nå fakta er at det er sent og jeg må skride.
I må ha det alle sammen ses vi den ottende?
Og nu er det så at jeg bliver nød til at spørge dig hvordan det kan være at du så hurtigt gik i gang med The ace of spades?
Faktisk er selve personen ace of spades og især prologen noget jeg fandt på lige efter jeg startede med at skrive StS. Jeg har i lang tid godt kunne tænke mig sådan 4 over skurke, og derfra blev de fire konger skabt. I det hele taget syntes jeg at kort er geniale især når de bliver sat i forhold til spådomme og magi.
Desuden passede personerne i historien bare godt ind i kort roller.
Der går rygter om at du selv vil optræde i Ace of spades, er det sandt?
Det er det helt sikkert. (nikker Simon energisk) Hvad folk ikke har opdaget er at jeg faktisk også var med i StS. Desuden er jeg også at finde i et par af mine andre historier. Så du kan jo prøve om du kan finde mig.
Du har hintet til at der skulle være et gennemgående tema i alle dine historier, kan du uddybe hvad det er?
Det kan jeg da sagtens men jeg vil godt lige fortælle hvordan jeg voksede op først da det formentlig er grunden til at jeg bruger netop dette tema i mine historier.
Hmm hvor skal man starte. Jo jeg kan da starte derhjemme. Jeg har 3 søskende der alle er lige netop det ældre eller det yngre end mig. Og med ”det” mener jeg den aldersforskel hvor man kan knytte nogle solide bånd til hinanden. Så det var ikke så godt, der var også det problem at min bror altid har været moden af sin alder og for lige at sætte det i perspektiv så var han mere moden da han var 15 end jeg er nu. Nå det var jo så trist.
Så kom jeg satme i skole hvor jeg ikke ligefrem blev populær af grunde jeg ikke vil diskutere på cyberspace. Nå men jeg fik da en 4-5 rimelig gode venner som holdt mig ved selskab men gruppen gik langsomt i stykker. En person blev en nar, et par stykker flyttede til en lorte skole og blev også nar røve og de sidste flyttede langt væk. Lort hva?
Ja det må du nok sige
Nå men så kom man heldigvis til Realskolen hvor jeg også fik nogle gode venner, som jeg desuden stadig er sammen med. De er sku også flinke og alt det der men allerede her har vi haft det centrale problem. Fordi da jeg kom på Realen og fik ”Rigtige” venner der var det sku 7 klasse. Hvis jeg nu havde kunne huske noget mere Freud ville jeg sikkert sige et eller andet klogt men det er det sgu for sent til, pointen er at et barn lærer sine sociale egenskaber til og med fjerde klasse. Og da jeg intil da stort set ikke havde haft venner var det jo lidt noget lort (den nu opløste grupper af nar røve startede i slutningen af fjerde klasse).
Og nu kan vi så endelig nå til det føromtalte overliggende tema i alle mine historier: Ensomhed.
Ruk var enspænder og endte i en gruppe der når jeg kigger på den igen minder enormt meget om den første gruppe venner jeg havde.
Lucarad er en enspænder af grunde jeg ikke har helt klarlagt for jer læsere endnu, han var også alene i barndommen og søger derfor selskab i Ritai.
The Horrors of the Dream world handler om en person der er alene med sine problemer.
Why Do I exist? Giver vel sig selv.
Stolemanden er også enspænder og arbejder alene.
En anden ting jeg kan sige er at jeg altid har nydt spil og film hvor hovedpersonen er en helt mod en masse skurke, to lige store grupper der slås har aldrig været mig. Hvorfor? Fordi jeg kan relatere til den ensomme helt.
Hvis vi skal nå til et hvorfor jeg skriver på denne måde så er det faktisk ret simpelt. Det er nemt. Da jeg ikke har så mange 1-1 venskaber så finder jeg det uhyggeligt svært at skrive om to eller flere personer der er dybt sammentømrede. Jeg har ikke haft den der ven man har kendt siden man var 3 måneder gammel, og derfor kan jeg heller ikke forestille mig hvordan de er over for hinanden og hvordan de reagere på prøvelser. Ergo er det enormt svært at skrive om, hvorimod den ensomme og eventuelt misforståede hovedperson der desperat forsøger at finde venner er meget nemmere for mig at skrive om. Det er også grunden til at det tager så lang tid at skrive bare et afsnit af mig og B’s ”hemmelige” serie.
Så hvis vi skal prøve at så på mig igennem Freunds personlighedsmodel der består af lyster/drifter (Id), den bevidste del af personen (Jeg) og den moralske del af hjernen (over jeg)
Personligt har jeg faktisk et Id der er meget tryghedssøgende og utrolig socialt men mit jeg og mit overjeg holder Id’et i skak for at undgå problemer i form af afvigelser og lignende. Som i nok kan tænke jer gør det det også svært for mig at afkode budskaber fra det modsatte køn, da jeg ikke ved og de bare er venner eller de vil noget mere. Det var for resten også grunden til den seriøse bommert af en tid mellem mig og Kirstine, hvis nogen kan huske syvende klasse. Jeg var simpelthen ikke sikker på hvad hun ville og jeg turde ikke gøre noget af frygt for hvad jeg kunne gøre forkert.
Da jeg heller ikke har haft noget succesfuldt kærlighedsliv indtil videre så har jeg også enormt svært ved at skrive om netop kærlighed. Faktisk har Ruk og Lucarad begge haft dårlige kærlighedserfaringer i deres ungdom hvilket vil komme op til overfladen senere hen.
Det spørgsmål der nager mig mest er faktisk hvor meget det betyder for mig selv. Til daglig tænker jeg jo ikke over det og derfor er det heller ikke i vejen på nogen måde. Men når jeg skal snakke om det og formulere det så er det en anden sag. Jeg skrev med en svensker over MSN den anden dag og vi begyndte at snakke tidlige venskaber kærester og lignende. Det er nemlig her det er svært, jeg bliver en smule trist og får sådan en lille kugle af depression eller noget lignende. Jeg kan sige jer hvor den er hvis i er interesserede den sidder lige i mit mellemgulv. Ikke i hjertet.
Nå nu har jeg vidst også sagt nok. Skrid fister.
Undskyld, undskyld. Ja ja jeg skal nok gå. En sidste kommentar?
Det skulle da lige være at forsikre jer om at jeg ikke er på sammenbrudets rand. Det er blot en stil ligesom den jeg skrev første år på handelsskolen. Måske kommer den også op på et tidspunkt hvem ved. Nå fakta er at det er sent og jeg må skride.
I må ha det alle sammen ses vi den ottende?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The ace of spades - Prolog
Så begynder the ace of spades og her er et råd hvis du går og overvejen at give en person en accent, lad være! det er pisse svært. Nu må vi lige se om der er nogle der kan gætte hvilken accent han har, ellers må man sige at jeg har løbet panden mod en mur. Forresten har min novelle the horrors of the dream world opnået 220 visninger inde på fylde pennen hvilket er rimelig sygt :D Og Why do I exist er blevet vist 104 gange, plus den har fået positive kommentarer, yay for me! :D
Nå men her er så prologen til min næste superhelte historie med mig og B's helte. Glæd dig og gør dig klar til en rimelig syret oplevelse med latterlige superkræfter, geniale skurke og ikke mindst en badass antihelt der ikke er bange for at kyle lidt rundt med møbleriet.
The ace of spades - Prolog
Four people sat in darkness all of them quiet, all of them rich, all of them powerful, and all of them angry. They kept their rage under control as they sat at the giant table filling the room. The room was left in darkness and the round table stood exactly in the middle of the room. At the table sat the four men, and between them was one lone chair missing the person that had always sat in it. All the chairs where slim and had a high back, where made from comfortable leather and had cost more than an average family made in a year, but right now they could not care less, they had other matters to discuss.
”Maximilian was a mistake.” Said the man to the left
”Indeed” answered the man to the far right.
“But he did serve his purpose.” Continued the man to the far left.
“Indeed.” Replied the man to the far right again.
“Bringing S.U.P.E.R. and the government to their knees in one stroke is simply a stunning feat.” Said the man to the far left again.
“Indeed” Replied the man to the far right once again.
“His methods however was nothing special” said the man to the right thereby joining the conversation. “He reached his goals due to pure luck. He was lucky enough to find a spy, lucky enough not to be noticed and lucky enough to hack into the S.U.P.E.R. database. But eventually his luck ran out. One second rank hero took out his entire operation, pathetic.”
“Nein meine Herren!” said a voice that came out of nowhere.
“Who said that?” Demanded the man on the right. “Show yourself!”
“Youse need not shout, mein Herr. “ Said the voice again as a tall man dressed in a black suit, a hat and a high hat came strolling out of the darkness, gracefully dragging a small chair with him. “I am merely suggesting that youse are wrong.” He said, gracefully sitting down on the chair.
“Who are you? How did you get in here?” raged the man on the right.
The newcomer pulled out a deck of cards and started shuffling them before he answered: “twei questions and jet none of them has any real meaning.” He stopped shuffling the cards and pushed them across the table where the man on the far left caught them. “Do youse believe in fortune telling?”
He asked the four men and then added to the man with the cards: “Just deal them round as you please. A few in front of me, a few in the middle and the rest in front of youseself.”
“What are you here for, mister?” said the man now dealing the cards round. “Do you even know who we are?”
“Ja meinen herren.” He said as the last cards where dealt. “and now I shall show you the world as it is.”
The newcomer looked down on the cards and started talking. “I see that the cards agree with me in this matter. Four cards are in front of youse meinen herren. Turn the cards as I say what they are if you please. To the far left, the King of diamonds, next the king of spades, then the king of clubs, and last to the far right, the king of hearts.“ The four men all turned their cards and the four kings was their in the precise order he had called them.
“Indeed” said the King of hearts before the newcomer continued.
“These cards represent youse positions as the kings of crime. The cards in front of the four main cards should be random cards between twei and zen, they are youses minions.” The cards were turned and jet again he was correct.
“In the middle of the table are the ace of hearts and the ace of diamonds.” He said and flipped the corresponding cards. “and now” he said in a exited voice “It gets interesting. You see these four cards in front of the government represents S.U.P.E.R. While I know that these cards are the Jacks,“ he flipped the cards and revealed four jacks before he continued: ”the interesting part however are these two cards behind the gouverment. These two cards have never been shown in my readings before, and even stranger is the fact that both cards are Jokers.“ He flipped the cards with a grim look on his face. “The fact that these cards are behind the gouverment cards and not in front of them like the S.U.P.E.R. cards, could mean that they have jet to pick a side in this future conflict. The fact that they are Jokers also suggests that it is not possible to figure out what they will do. I believe that one of them is the “second rank hero” that took down Maximilian. But the other remains ein Mysterium meine Herren.”
“The only cards left now is the cards on your side of the table, mister.” Said the king of diamonds. “Will you enlighten us in the meaning of your cards as well?”
“I will in a moment meine herren. But first I will tell you how the situation looks for you. S.U.P.E.R. is as weak as it ever will be, but youse are not strong enough to defeat both them and the government. With the twei jokers on the loose youse will lose in this conflict. But this is where we come in.” We flipped four of the five cards in front of him revealing four queens.
“These are my queens and this is my favorite lady” he said tapping the queen of spades. “She and the other queens bring enough power to the conflict to bring us the victory. I myself bring unmatched strategy to the table and I do happen to have a few tricks up my sleeves as well.”
“Why?” asked the king of clubs briskly: “Why do you take our side? What is your motive?”
“My motive, well gentlemen, I just happen to love games and this will turn out to be the greatest game of all time. Ein rockband but it this way:
If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man
You win some, lose some, it's all the same to me
The pleasure is to play, it makes no difference what you say
I know you are not normal gamblers but a plan to take over the entire world is truly a terrific gamble. So as I said, I’m youses man. I shall leave youse now, but I will return when I have a plan or new information for youse.”
“We have not hired you, mister.“ said the king of diamonds. As the weird card man started walking into the shadows again “and you have not answered our first question jet.”
“There will be no need to hire me, I work for the game and youse have the best game. To who I am I will answer with the song from before:
I don't share your greed, the only card I need is
The Ace Of Spades
The Ace Of Spades
There was completely quiet after he had left, his high hat disappearing in the shadow, just as mystically as he had arrived, without a trace. In the void his departure had left the king of hearts leaned over the table and turned the man’s card.
“Indeed.” He said as he saw the ace of spades looking up at him.
Nå men her er så prologen til min næste superhelte historie med mig og B's helte. Glæd dig og gør dig klar til en rimelig syret oplevelse med latterlige superkræfter, geniale skurke og ikke mindst en badass antihelt der ikke er bange for at kyle lidt rundt med møbleriet.
The ace of spades - Prolog
Four people sat in darkness all of them quiet, all of them rich, all of them powerful, and all of them angry. They kept their rage under control as they sat at the giant table filling the room. The room was left in darkness and the round table stood exactly in the middle of the room. At the table sat the four men, and between them was one lone chair missing the person that had always sat in it. All the chairs where slim and had a high back, where made from comfortable leather and had cost more than an average family made in a year, but right now they could not care less, they had other matters to discuss.
”Maximilian was a mistake.” Said the man to the left
”Indeed” answered the man to the far right.
“But he did serve his purpose.” Continued the man to the far left.
“Indeed.” Replied the man to the far right again.
“Bringing S.U.P.E.R. and the government to their knees in one stroke is simply a stunning feat.” Said the man to the far left again.
“Indeed” Replied the man to the far right once again.
“His methods however was nothing special” said the man to the right thereby joining the conversation. “He reached his goals due to pure luck. He was lucky enough to find a spy, lucky enough not to be noticed and lucky enough to hack into the S.U.P.E.R. database. But eventually his luck ran out. One second rank hero took out his entire operation, pathetic.”
“Nein meine Herren!” said a voice that came out of nowhere.
“Who said that?” Demanded the man on the right. “Show yourself!”
“Youse need not shout, mein Herr. “ Said the voice again as a tall man dressed in a black suit, a hat and a high hat came strolling out of the darkness, gracefully dragging a small chair with him. “I am merely suggesting that youse are wrong.” He said, gracefully sitting down on the chair.
“Who are you? How did you get in here?” raged the man on the right.
The newcomer pulled out a deck of cards and started shuffling them before he answered: “twei questions and jet none of them has any real meaning.” He stopped shuffling the cards and pushed them across the table where the man on the far left caught them. “Do youse believe in fortune telling?”
He asked the four men and then added to the man with the cards: “Just deal them round as you please. A few in front of me, a few in the middle and the rest in front of youseself.”
“What are you here for, mister?” said the man now dealing the cards round. “Do you even know who we are?”
“Ja meinen herren.” He said as the last cards where dealt. “and now I shall show you the world as it is.”
The newcomer looked down on the cards and started talking. “I see that the cards agree with me in this matter. Four cards are in front of youse meinen herren. Turn the cards as I say what they are if you please. To the far left, the King of diamonds, next the king of spades, then the king of clubs, and last to the far right, the king of hearts.“ The four men all turned their cards and the four kings was their in the precise order he had called them.
“Indeed” said the King of hearts before the newcomer continued.
“These cards represent youse positions as the kings of crime. The cards in front of the four main cards should be random cards between twei and zen, they are youses minions.” The cards were turned and jet again he was correct.
“In the middle of the table are the ace of hearts and the ace of diamonds.” He said and flipped the corresponding cards. “and now” he said in a exited voice “It gets interesting. You see these four cards in front of the government represents S.U.P.E.R. While I know that these cards are the Jacks,“ he flipped the cards and revealed four jacks before he continued: ”the interesting part however are these two cards behind the gouverment. These two cards have never been shown in my readings before, and even stranger is the fact that both cards are Jokers.“ He flipped the cards with a grim look on his face. “The fact that these cards are behind the gouverment cards and not in front of them like the S.U.P.E.R. cards, could mean that they have jet to pick a side in this future conflict. The fact that they are Jokers also suggests that it is not possible to figure out what they will do. I believe that one of them is the “second rank hero” that took down Maximilian. But the other remains ein Mysterium meine Herren.”
“The only cards left now is the cards on your side of the table, mister.” Said the king of diamonds. “Will you enlighten us in the meaning of your cards as well?”
“I will in a moment meine herren. But first I will tell you how the situation looks for you. S.U.P.E.R. is as weak as it ever will be, but youse are not strong enough to defeat both them and the government. With the twei jokers on the loose youse will lose in this conflict. But this is where we come in.” We flipped four of the five cards in front of him revealing four queens.
“These are my queens and this is my favorite lady” he said tapping the queen of spades. “She and the other queens bring enough power to the conflict to bring us the victory. I myself bring unmatched strategy to the table and I do happen to have a few tricks up my sleeves as well.”
“Why?” asked the king of clubs briskly: “Why do you take our side? What is your motive?”
“My motive, well gentlemen, I just happen to love games and this will turn out to be the greatest game of all time. Ein rockband but it this way:
If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man
You win some, lose some, it's all the same to me
The pleasure is to play, it makes no difference what you say
I know you are not normal gamblers but a plan to take over the entire world is truly a terrific gamble. So as I said, I’m youses man. I shall leave youse now, but I will return when I have a plan or new information for youse.”
“We have not hired you, mister.“ said the king of diamonds. As the weird card man started walking into the shadows again “and you have not answered our first question jet.”
“There will be no need to hire me, I work for the game and youse have the best game. To who I am I will answer with the song from before:
I don't share your greed, the only card I need is
The Ace Of Spades
The Ace Of Spades
There was completely quiet after he had left, his high hat disappearing in the shadow, just as mystically as he had arrived, without a trace. In the void his departure had left the king of hearts leaned over the table and turned the man’s card.
“Indeed.” He said as he saw the ace of spades looking up at him.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Saving the Savior part 5 (Final part)
Så bliver StS afsluttet, men meget skal gå galt hvis det er sidste gang for lov til at møde stolemanden og de andre gæve gutter. Det her er forresten min post nummer 100 juhuu :D
Jeg vil da også lige sige at jeg har oprettet en forfatterprofil på Fyldepennen.dk og den kan du se Her:
Saving the Savior part 5
The door slammed open and made June turn in shock, she had been watching the great sea so far below her penthouse prison. She had been treated nicely by her capturers; they had given her food and drink, as well as a good bog she could spend her time with. But now the tide was about to change, she knew that, Maximilian knew that and somehow the chairman knew it too.
“So the rumors were true, I must say I never believed that you really existed.” Maximilian said as he walked into the room followed by 4 big thugs. “The ‘savior’ is in my possession, who could have known that this random girl picked op from the streets would be such a great asset to my plan?”
“Asset!?” Spat June “I will never help the likes of you!”
“From what I know you don’t have any choice, do you?” he said as he smiled one of his cold smiles. “Tie her up and leave the room.” He spat at the thugs who quickly did as they were told and left Maximilian with the now defenseless ‘savior’.
“The savior” funny thing really, how these names stick. After all he had given her that name himself, all those years ago. A twelve year old John had been walking home from a friend’s house. The sun had begun to set and the suburban houses were casting their shadows over the peaceful community. John was happy as he walked along the quiet road, even though the sun that was setting strait ahead was blinding him. He had had a wonderful day and he was certain that nothing could spoil his mood, well the bully’s hiding in the shadows were about to prove him wrong. They had been waiting for him, or any other person passing by for that matter. No one really knew why but they had a thing for beating up kids and this night they were looking for new meet. So there he was walking along the road, quietly humming a song he had heard in the radio before going to school. But that song was knocked out of his head as a fist came out of nowhere and knocked him out cold.
John woke up in an old warehouse. He did not remember how he had gotten there nor had how any clue to why he was tied to a chair. But it all became clear as his eyes started adapting to the darkness, these damn street thugs were bit unknown to him, he had seen their victims at school seen their scars and their black eyes, so he knew exactly what was coming for him.
The first fist sent stars into his vision and he would no doubt get a black eye from the next hit, except it never came. He saw the fist being drawn back and he saw it soar though the air towards him. But a moment before impact a bright red color blocked his sight and was immediately knocked aside by the powerful punch. It was a girl, a beautiful girl not older than John himself. Her skin was white and her hair was a beautiful shade of red. John would gladly have looked at her for hours on end, but sadly this was not the time. She landed hard on the concrete floor but she didn’t say a word, she received punch after punch by the thugs but she never cried.
But then they griped her by the hair and somehow she changed from that moment. In one swift movement she threw the bully off her like he was simply an irritating bug. Her hair and dress was blowing wildly around, even though there was no wind in the warehouse. The bully’s were shocked, never had any kid dared fight back and never EVER had a kid thrown any of them off. Furthermore this little brat was looking like she was possessed by some sort of demon. The fact that she was slowly and elegantly rising into the air did not make it better and they decided that the best thing to do was to leave. As they left and the two kids were alone, she slowly turned towards him, showing him 2 red glowing eyes. John panicked as he saw the eyes, who were this girl: a saving angel or an evil demon?
“Do you wish to receive the gift I am here to deliver?” her voice was a thundering symphony of beautiful voices, there was a divine tone that could not be denied.
“Yes.” John answered since he was not being able to say no to this scary yet beautiful voice.
“Then I shall grant you my gift.” Her voice died away as her eye fixed upon John. It was like a shockwave hit John in the face. John was knocked backwards as she screamed and fell to the ground.
John was losing consciousness as his body was changing his whole DNA structure. Just before everything went black he looked up on a shadowy figure entering the room. John pointed at the girl and muttered only one word before he passed out: “Savior”.
Later that young man gave her that title as he filed her in his archive of people with extraordinary abilities. The man would later return and tell John that he would one day become a hero, and that he should contact him when he got older. Upon leaving he gave John a tiny card, with only his name and a title written on it: Viktor Vidhen, famous Super Hero agent and inventor. It took John a couple of years to realized that Viktor had not pulled a prank on him and that he really did have super powers, and even longer to figure out that it was this girl that had given him his powers. The girl, who he knew only by the name he himself had given her, was nowhere to be found. The Savior would not bestow her gift to anyone for years to come.
The chairman finally arrived at the door he had been looking for. One of the guards he had fought before rescuing the heroes had tried to buy his life by giving away the place where June was held captive. Of course the chairman had never even considered killing him in the first place, but as a “thanks you for sharing” he decided not to break the poor guys nose.
“Head to the vest!” he had been shouting desperately as the chairman had been walking towards him with 10 unconscious guards behind him. ”The door is between the two black cabins, she’s in there! Please don’t kill me!”
Damn good thing he had been such a coward because there was no way he would have found it otherwise he would have walked right past the door. It blended in with the wall to perfection, only a small crack that was barely visible outlined it. It had no handle or knot, there was no keyhole visible either, and with only the small crack visible the door was practically invisible in the poor lighting.
There was probably some secret opening device hipped somewhere, but the chairman had always been more for the direct approach. Even the most secret of doors could be knocked in, at least that was the chairman’s theory, so he took a step back and slammed his shoulder against the door. It took 4 tries to break in the door but eventually it gave in and flew of its hinges and into the room. The door landed with a loud bang and the now open doorway revealed that 3 people where present in the room. In the front stood a smiling Maximilian with his hands behind his back, in a corner lay someone who was either dead or asleep, it was in the middle of the room the person who caught the chairman’s eye was. Tied to a chair and with cuts all over her face, June sat unconscious, drained of all her power, just at it had happened back when she had earned her name.
“Do not worry about her.” Maximilian said in a cold voice, his eyes locked at the Chairman. “You should worry about your own health for now.”
“What?” the chairman snorted. “You think you can take me on?”
“Yes I doubt you will present much of a challenge.” He grinned.
“Lets see how mighty you are after you get a taste of my powers.” The chairman reached out, expecting to find that little crack in reality his chairs came from, but where he usually found it no problem he found nothing this time. There was no reaction or energy, his powers were gone.
“Trying to do this?” Maximilian asked, snapped his fingers and had small chair appear out of nowhere.
“How the hell did you do that?” asked the Chairman in disbelief.
“Well isn’t it obvious? I just tortured this girl until her powers took over and she granted me an ability of my choice.”
“You did what?” the chairman asked trembling with anger.
“Tortured her, of course. That seemed to be the best way to awaken her power. So she granted me the power to steal the abilities of superheroes. You see without your good given super powers you aro nothing but a bunch of…”
That’s all he got to say before a fist found its way to his face, and knocked off his feat. The fat mastermind landed hard on his back as the chairless chairman started laughing like a maniac.
“So what if I don’t have I powers?” he laughed looking down at Maximilian who slowly got to his feat. “I had been fighting for years before I started using my powers. Fist fighting is nothing new to me!” The chairman slowly stopped laughing. “You on the other hand have no use of my power. You see: being able to create chairs doesn’t mean shit, if you don’t have the strength to use them as weapons. You can’t possibly beat me with your fat corpus and my powers.”
“You are correct!” Maximilian said as he summoned a comfy chair and sat himself in it. “Do you see the guy in the corner? His name was ‘Portal’, guess why.”
“Because he could make portals?”
“Correct. But here is the important fact: when I kill someone I keep his power. Have you ever heard about the infinite loop? Let me show you.” Maximilian snapped his fingers and suddenly two portals appeared in midair and a small chair appeared in between them. Due to the gravity of the planet, the chair was pulled into the portal below, only to come out of the top portal and fall into the low portal again. The Chairman looked in shock at the chair fell faster and faster.
“That is the infinite loop.” Said Maximilian. “Now look what happens when I move one of the portals.” Suddenly the top portal vanished and a portal appeared right in front of the chairman, who just managed to dive out of the way as a the chair zoomed out and smashed against the wall.
“With your power and my new power I am invincible.” Maximilian smiled as 4 more infinite looping chairs appeared out of nowhere. The chairman jumped left and right dodging flying chairs. There was only one way to do this, the Chairman thought. The chairman dodged left and stormed forward. Maximilian was still sitting in his chair shooting chairs at the chairman. But as the chairman stormed forward he panicked and sent all his 4 chairs zooming towards the chairman who dived under them, and shoulder tackled Maximilian as he jumped up from the ground. Maximilian was thrown backwards and slammed against the large seaside window, causing it to shatter into a thousand pieces. Maximilian fell down on all 4 as the chairman walked slowly over to him.
“You can’t beat me, using powers you have stolen.” The chairman said and kicked Maximilian into an upright position, where he gripped him with his left hand and held him upright.
“I’m going to kill you now.” The chairman said looking into Maximilian’s eyes. “I will do this because of what you have done, I will kill you like you killed John Franklin, I will kill you like you killed Jennie.” The Chairman drew his fist back and slammed it into Maximilian’s nose, sending him screaming though the window and down the cliff. If the 50 meter fall didn’t kill him, the cold water would.
The Chairman turned around as June came back to life; she looked up at the chairman and whispered:
“John is dead. Not even the savior can bring him back to life; it is way too late for that.”
The chairman looked at the door as he heard running steps approaching and suddenly saw 4 heroes storming into the room.
“Your not used to being too late are you?” taunted the chairman to the four famous heroes.
“I see you made it” said Ninja girl coldly, her face all sliced up, probably from torture.
“Good job” said Nano-man a bit more cheerful, he looked pale and stiff he had properly not regained all his energy yet.
“Where is Maximilian?” asked DragonDemon and looked around in the room.
“Dead.” Answered the chairman, and Fire Fairy zoomed out of the broken window, disappearing for a few seconds, then returning with a grim look on her face. “The body is completely splattered over the rocks.” She said with disgust.
The chairman slowly got up and walked towards the door not looking at any of the heroes.
“Are you just going to leave like that?” asked Fire Fairy fiercely. “After you just slaughtered that guy.”
The chairman stopped in his tracks and turned his eyes at Fire Fairy with a gaze that made even her blood run cold.
“I am not part of S.U.P.E.R. I am a rouge hero on the run; I don’t answer to anyone, least of all you 4.”
“Why do all I give the gift end up hurt so badly?” whispered June as the chairman had left the room.
Long from there a man sat sipping to his wine, he had a funny feeling that the Chairman had died. He was sad for a moment until he realized that he had to be alive. “hmm, a French wine from the seventies I would say.” The Wine was Italian and from the nineties, but he would never know that and he didn’t really care anyway. In front of him 5 bodies that used to be group 39 was bleeding to death on his fine carpet.
“I wonder if I will be able to get the blood out.”
Jeg vil da også lige sige at jeg har oprettet en forfatterprofil på Fyldepennen.dk og den kan du se Her:
Saving the Savior part 5
The door slammed open and made June turn in shock, she had been watching the great sea so far below her penthouse prison. She had been treated nicely by her capturers; they had given her food and drink, as well as a good bog she could spend her time with. But now the tide was about to change, she knew that, Maximilian knew that and somehow the chairman knew it too.
“So the rumors were true, I must say I never believed that you really existed.” Maximilian said as he walked into the room followed by 4 big thugs. “The ‘savior’ is in my possession, who could have known that this random girl picked op from the streets would be such a great asset to my plan?”
“Asset!?” Spat June “I will never help the likes of you!”
“From what I know you don’t have any choice, do you?” he said as he smiled one of his cold smiles. “Tie her up and leave the room.” He spat at the thugs who quickly did as they were told and left Maximilian with the now defenseless ‘savior’.
“The savior” funny thing really, how these names stick. After all he had given her that name himself, all those years ago. A twelve year old John had been walking home from a friend’s house. The sun had begun to set and the suburban houses were casting their shadows over the peaceful community. John was happy as he walked along the quiet road, even though the sun that was setting strait ahead was blinding him. He had had a wonderful day and he was certain that nothing could spoil his mood, well the bully’s hiding in the shadows were about to prove him wrong. They had been waiting for him, or any other person passing by for that matter. No one really knew why but they had a thing for beating up kids and this night they were looking for new meet. So there he was walking along the road, quietly humming a song he had heard in the radio before going to school. But that song was knocked out of his head as a fist came out of nowhere and knocked him out cold.
John woke up in an old warehouse. He did not remember how he had gotten there nor had how any clue to why he was tied to a chair. But it all became clear as his eyes started adapting to the darkness, these damn street thugs were bit unknown to him, he had seen their victims at school seen their scars and their black eyes, so he knew exactly what was coming for him.
The first fist sent stars into his vision and he would no doubt get a black eye from the next hit, except it never came. He saw the fist being drawn back and he saw it soar though the air towards him. But a moment before impact a bright red color blocked his sight and was immediately knocked aside by the powerful punch. It was a girl, a beautiful girl not older than John himself. Her skin was white and her hair was a beautiful shade of red. John would gladly have looked at her for hours on end, but sadly this was not the time. She landed hard on the concrete floor but she didn’t say a word, she received punch after punch by the thugs but she never cried.
But then they griped her by the hair and somehow she changed from that moment. In one swift movement she threw the bully off her like he was simply an irritating bug. Her hair and dress was blowing wildly around, even though there was no wind in the warehouse. The bully’s were shocked, never had any kid dared fight back and never EVER had a kid thrown any of them off. Furthermore this little brat was looking like she was possessed by some sort of demon. The fact that she was slowly and elegantly rising into the air did not make it better and they decided that the best thing to do was to leave. As they left and the two kids were alone, she slowly turned towards him, showing him 2 red glowing eyes. John panicked as he saw the eyes, who were this girl: a saving angel or an evil demon?
“Do you wish to receive the gift I am here to deliver?” her voice was a thundering symphony of beautiful voices, there was a divine tone that could not be denied.
“Yes.” John answered since he was not being able to say no to this scary yet beautiful voice.
“Then I shall grant you my gift.” Her voice died away as her eye fixed upon John. It was like a shockwave hit John in the face. John was knocked backwards as she screamed and fell to the ground.
John was losing consciousness as his body was changing his whole DNA structure. Just before everything went black he looked up on a shadowy figure entering the room. John pointed at the girl and muttered only one word before he passed out: “Savior”.
Later that young man gave her that title as he filed her in his archive of people with extraordinary abilities. The man would later return and tell John that he would one day become a hero, and that he should contact him when he got older. Upon leaving he gave John a tiny card, with only his name and a title written on it: Viktor Vidhen, famous Super Hero agent and inventor. It took John a couple of years to realized that Viktor had not pulled a prank on him and that he really did have super powers, and even longer to figure out that it was this girl that had given him his powers. The girl, who he knew only by the name he himself had given her, was nowhere to be found. The Savior would not bestow her gift to anyone for years to come.
The chairman finally arrived at the door he had been looking for. One of the guards he had fought before rescuing the heroes had tried to buy his life by giving away the place where June was held captive. Of course the chairman had never even considered killing him in the first place, but as a “thanks you for sharing” he decided not to break the poor guys nose.
“Head to the vest!” he had been shouting desperately as the chairman had been walking towards him with 10 unconscious guards behind him. ”The door is between the two black cabins, she’s in there! Please don’t kill me!”
Damn good thing he had been such a coward because there was no way he would have found it otherwise he would have walked right past the door. It blended in with the wall to perfection, only a small crack that was barely visible outlined it. It had no handle or knot, there was no keyhole visible either, and with only the small crack visible the door was practically invisible in the poor lighting.
There was probably some secret opening device hipped somewhere, but the chairman had always been more for the direct approach. Even the most secret of doors could be knocked in, at least that was the chairman’s theory, so he took a step back and slammed his shoulder against the door. It took 4 tries to break in the door but eventually it gave in and flew of its hinges and into the room. The door landed with a loud bang and the now open doorway revealed that 3 people where present in the room. In the front stood a smiling Maximilian with his hands behind his back, in a corner lay someone who was either dead or asleep, it was in the middle of the room the person who caught the chairman’s eye was. Tied to a chair and with cuts all over her face, June sat unconscious, drained of all her power, just at it had happened back when she had earned her name.
“Do not worry about her.” Maximilian said in a cold voice, his eyes locked at the Chairman. “You should worry about your own health for now.”
“What?” the chairman snorted. “You think you can take me on?”
“Yes I doubt you will present much of a challenge.” He grinned.
“Lets see how mighty you are after you get a taste of my powers.” The chairman reached out, expecting to find that little crack in reality his chairs came from, but where he usually found it no problem he found nothing this time. There was no reaction or energy, his powers were gone.
“Trying to do this?” Maximilian asked, snapped his fingers and had small chair appear out of nowhere.
“How the hell did you do that?” asked the Chairman in disbelief.
“Well isn’t it obvious? I just tortured this girl until her powers took over and she granted me an ability of my choice.”
“You did what?” the chairman asked trembling with anger.
“Tortured her, of course. That seemed to be the best way to awaken her power. So she granted me the power to steal the abilities of superheroes. You see without your good given super powers you aro nothing but a bunch of…”
That’s all he got to say before a fist found its way to his face, and knocked off his feat. The fat mastermind landed hard on his back as the chairless chairman started laughing like a maniac.
“So what if I don’t have I powers?” he laughed looking down at Maximilian who slowly got to his feat. “I had been fighting for years before I started using my powers. Fist fighting is nothing new to me!” The chairman slowly stopped laughing. “You on the other hand have no use of my power. You see: being able to create chairs doesn’t mean shit, if you don’t have the strength to use them as weapons. You can’t possibly beat me with your fat corpus and my powers.”
“You are correct!” Maximilian said as he summoned a comfy chair and sat himself in it. “Do you see the guy in the corner? His name was ‘Portal’, guess why.”
“Because he could make portals?”
“Correct. But here is the important fact: when I kill someone I keep his power. Have you ever heard about the infinite loop? Let me show you.” Maximilian snapped his fingers and suddenly two portals appeared in midair and a small chair appeared in between them. Due to the gravity of the planet, the chair was pulled into the portal below, only to come out of the top portal and fall into the low portal again. The Chairman looked in shock at the chair fell faster and faster.
“That is the infinite loop.” Said Maximilian. “Now look what happens when I move one of the portals.” Suddenly the top portal vanished and a portal appeared right in front of the chairman, who just managed to dive out of the way as a the chair zoomed out and smashed against the wall.
“With your power and my new power I am invincible.” Maximilian smiled as 4 more infinite looping chairs appeared out of nowhere. The chairman jumped left and right dodging flying chairs. There was only one way to do this, the Chairman thought. The chairman dodged left and stormed forward. Maximilian was still sitting in his chair shooting chairs at the chairman. But as the chairman stormed forward he panicked and sent all his 4 chairs zooming towards the chairman who dived under them, and shoulder tackled Maximilian as he jumped up from the ground. Maximilian was thrown backwards and slammed against the large seaside window, causing it to shatter into a thousand pieces. Maximilian fell down on all 4 as the chairman walked slowly over to him.
“You can’t beat me, using powers you have stolen.” The chairman said and kicked Maximilian into an upright position, where he gripped him with his left hand and held him upright.
“I’m going to kill you now.” The chairman said looking into Maximilian’s eyes. “I will do this because of what you have done, I will kill you like you killed John Franklin, I will kill you like you killed Jennie.” The Chairman drew his fist back and slammed it into Maximilian’s nose, sending him screaming though the window and down the cliff. If the 50 meter fall didn’t kill him, the cold water would.
The Chairman turned around as June came back to life; she looked up at the chairman and whispered:
“John is dead. Not even the savior can bring him back to life; it is way too late for that.”
The chairman looked at the door as he heard running steps approaching and suddenly saw 4 heroes storming into the room.
“Your not used to being too late are you?” taunted the chairman to the four famous heroes.
“I see you made it” said Ninja girl coldly, her face all sliced up, probably from torture.
“Good job” said Nano-man a bit more cheerful, he looked pale and stiff he had properly not regained all his energy yet.
“Where is Maximilian?” asked DragonDemon and looked around in the room.
“Dead.” Answered the chairman, and Fire Fairy zoomed out of the broken window, disappearing for a few seconds, then returning with a grim look on her face. “The body is completely splattered over the rocks.” She said with disgust.
The chairman slowly got up and walked towards the door not looking at any of the heroes.
“Are you just going to leave like that?” asked Fire Fairy fiercely. “After you just slaughtered that guy.”
The chairman stopped in his tracks and turned his eyes at Fire Fairy with a gaze that made even her blood run cold.
“I am not part of S.U.P.E.R. I am a rouge hero on the run; I don’t answer to anyone, least of all you 4.”
“Why do all I give the gift end up hurt so badly?” whispered June as the chairman had left the room.
Long from there a man sat sipping to his wine, he had a funny feeling that the Chairman had died. He was sad for a moment until he realized that he had to be alive. “hmm, a French wine from the seventies I would say.” The Wine was Italian and from the nineties, but he would never know that and he didn’t really care anyway. In front of him 5 bodies that used to be group 39 was bleeding to death on his fine carpet.
“I wonder if I will be able to get the blood out.”
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