Friday, August 24, 2007

To the rescue

I ran through the quiet stone corridors, each of my steps echoing through the corridor.
There was no way forward but forward, the road ahead would be covered in traps and hopefully the end of this one would wield the price.
“This better not be another wild goose chase.” I thought as a giant spiked ball fell silently from the ceiling. I only had a split second to react; I slammed myself up against the wall as the ball flew inches from my stomach. I knew I had to keep moving, and I started running forward again but it wasn’t long before I encountered what could best be described as the living dead. A walking skeleton walking towards me with nothing but death in those empty eye sockets.
But it was not the first one of those to cross my way, so I knew how to deal with it. I jumped onto a rock that lay nearby, and from that rock I lounged myself into the air with a mighty leap. The skeleton looked up stupidly as I came crashing down upon him. He was not designed as an intelligent guard just simple canon fodder, and because of that no one had blessed him with agility. As a landed on top of him, the weak bones of witch he was created could no longer stand the pressure. The bones shattered and I landed in the little pile of shattered bones that was all that remained of the once proud soldier. I had to keep moving, these things had a bad habit of not staying dead long. I left the pile of bone running, and leapt over a deep pit that blocked my process. I landed on the other side only to narrowly evade falling into a giant pit of lava. I took a step back a looked around, there seemed to be some weird floating blocks in the air, but would they be able to bear my weight? Well if you want make an omelette you got to break some eggs. I jumped unto the block and incredibly it held, I started jumping from block to block and there seemed to be no problems. But as I mad my move to jump for land, I fireball flew from the lava and almost fried me. My moustache actually caught fire, and I’ll tell you it hurts more than you can imagine. I hurried to put it out and now I was pissed, I jumped to the other side of the lava and ran forward. I dodged fireballs, jumped pits, smashed skeletons with hammers and finally I stood before, that thing once again.
It was big, had yellow rough skin and a green spiked shell on the back. He stood there at the end of this long bridge, that bridge was the only way across a massive pool of lava the problem? Well this guy wasn’t exactly friendly he had been trying to fry me ever since I met him the first time. I can tell you that I had no grudge against him and that all I did against him was just self defence, but I won’t tell you that because that is not the truth. The truth is that I loathed this guy, he had been harassing me and my girlfriend since before I can remember, and how many times had he not tried to win her love. Equal amounts of times had he failed, and in desperation had he kidnapped her, so that is why I am here, to the rescue.
He roared from his end of the bridge and I stood in quiet dignity in the other end. How could he ever win her love, he wasn’t even human. We just stood there watching each other for a full minute, he had to move first if not I was toast. He took one step forward and opened his mouth, breathing fire. As he started breathing his deadly fire I was already running towards him. As the fire was just about to hit me I leapt over this abomination of nature, and landed behind it. It realized to late what I wanted to do as a lounged myself at the lever behind the bridge. I pulled it and suddenly the bridge broke in half, making Bowser swim in the deadly lava, burning away his very existence. It was kind of tragic but I had other things to worry about, I went through the door that took me into a dark room with no lights.
“Hallo?” I called, and to answer my call a light was lit in the middle of the room, and there stood what I consider to be one of the weirdest creatures ever. It had what seemed like a giant flat hat and was no bigger than a child.
“Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle.”

SURPRICE! eller måske ikke, i havde nok gættet hvem det var før sidste linie, men hvis i ikke havde så SURPRICE!

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