Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Saving the savior part 3

Så vender StS tilbage med en helt ny helt/wierdo. og også lidt info om det hersens gisel, hvad er hun for en størrelse? ja det er der kun en der ved, og det er undertegnede :D
Faktisk ville jeg have at den skulle være længere men sådan gik det ikke.

Saving the savior part 3

In the dungeon Viktor untied the last hero, Nano-man, the time in the prison had almost killed him. His power supply was at an all-time low, and he was barely conscious.
Viktor quickly rewired him so that the giant database in his head was transferred to the main brain functions.
“Nano-man? Can you hear me?”
Nano-man nodded weakly, unable to speak.
“Is your long range radio operational?”
Nano-man nodded again after a small system check.
“I need you to contact “the genius”. I need you to ask him if he knows who the traitor is.”

Hundreds of miles away a man picked up a small communicator. “Yes, it is me.”
“I need to know something… do you know who betrayed us…?”
The man knows as the genius answered with a confident voice: “of course I do”
In the other end of the radio Nano-man’s brain tried to figure out what this meant, it was always a challenge to figure out the real meaning behind the words. “Who is it?” he asked, the other question would no doubt be answered now.
“Well.” The genius said with a proud voice. “I can tell you who it is.”
“Don’t do that.” Nano-man had talked to the genius before and knew that he would get nothing out of that answer. “Tell me if there is one person you are completely certain didn’t betray us.”
“You know I can’t see what you want info like that for, but ill tell you anyway. If there is one person that didn’t do it, it’s Metalik he has been with us for way too long and is completely loyal.”
At that exact moment the chairman rounded a corner and stood face to face with an evilly smiling Metalik.

The thing you must know about the genius is, that he was not a super hero or a mutant, he was simply a very stupid man.
S.U.P.E.R. discovered his untold power of bad intuition after he won a double up edition of “who wants to be a billionaire?” The genius, that was called by his birth name back in those days; Frank, simply said what he thought was the right, and then his partner answered the complete opposite. S.U.P.E.R. brought him in as one of the chief advisors; it took some time to figure out the truth behind his wild theories though.
The real problem for the genius was the fact that he was controlled entirely by his intuition, and that he to this day believed that his intuition was always right. That’s why Viktor had made sure that the genius was kept safe and that his name, phone number and address was not to be found in any S.U.P.E.R. archive. It was likely that this precaution was the reason for his continually freedom. Viktor who had worked with the genius for some years now, knew that the information that the genius had was always wrong, and therefore he had to be right in this situation. Had Viktor had the time and the energy to go into the philosophical details of his last statement he would properly had found it very amusing and most likely even mildly interesting. But this was not the time for that sort of thing; this was the time for action, the time for evacuation and most of all the time of silent prayers. Prayers that were meant to help a man who wanted anything but their help.
As the conscious, but heavily weekend heroes, started dragging the unconscious heroes out of base so that they could make their escape, one hero thought nothing of evacuation or escape. One lone brawler stood face to face with a man he had always hated, and knew that if he didn’t get past Metalik, no amount of heroes would be able to save the world from Maximilian.
Maximilian had struck gold, capturing the perfect hostage, a hostage that only a few heroes had ever heard of. Only 2 people had ever seen this divine lady in her true form, and lived to tell the tale, only Viktor and the chairman knew this secret and they were not telling anything to anyone. Only god knew what would happen to the world if Maximilian realised who this red haired beauty really was.
So no, the chairman didn’t think of escape or of saving his own skin, he thought only of his duty, and the fact that only he could save the world.

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