Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A pirate song

I går var det Tal som en pirat dag og til ære for det har jeg skrevet en pirat sang, jeg ville have haft den oppe før midnat men den blev sku lift længere end forventet. så nu får i den altså dagen efter Tal som en pirat dagen.
Denne sang har ingen melodi udover den DU vælger. hvorfor? fordi den er beregnet til pirater og de kan næppe huske melodien alligevel. Ja jeg ved godt at den ikke rimer men den er til pirater!

Drink up my friend and grab ye blade, for tha marine is coming for da treasure in the ship, but no gold shall they get if me blood still pumps in me body. Da treasure we burry so tha no man will it find in hundreds of years.

We drink tha rum, we eat tha meat, we sail tha seas, we slay tha foes.
Aye this is the life of a pirate on the sea.

Tha captain is a fiece old man, his hat is big and tha leg is wooden. His face is scared by Morgan im’self and an eye took “black Sam” Bellamy. Drink with them he does each year, when Teach turns up the battle begin, then blood and rum flows wildly. Even Jones is said to come every ten years.

We drink tha rum, we eat tha meat, we sail tha seas, we slay tha foes.
Aye this is the life of a pirate on the sea.

A storm blew in, real fearsome it was, but tha captain of ours gave it a laugh, “there is more storm in me hat.“ Fearless he stood in the front of the ship screaming to us scared men of tha sea, “raise the anchor and lower tha sails. Tha night still young and tha storm sings a song of death”.

We drink tha rum, we eat tha meat, we sail tha seas, we slay tha foes.
Aye this is the life of a pirate on the sea.

Tha Dutchman I saw in tha night and fear it I did. “Davy Jones comes fer our souls!” I screamed at the top of me voice. “Ye souls, ye say?” screamed back the captain of ours “ye have nothing te fear then ye have nothing te fear, a pirate like ye’self have no soul.”

We drink tha rum, we eat tha meat, we sail tha seas, we slay tha foes.
Aye this is the life of a pirate on the sea.

Da morning came late and tha sun sent tha storm away, we praised our king and said to ‘im: “ye be the bravest man on tha sea.” his one eye looked as us and he said: “No, for there is one man I fear on this ocean.”

We drink tha rum, we eat tha meat, we sail tha seas, we slay tha foes.
Aye this is the life of a pirate on the sea.

“Who could a mighty pirate like you fear on this ocean?” we asked tha captain in shock and awe. “I fear not Morgan, black sam or Teach. No more do I fear a man you call a demon, Davy Jones no
better than to cross me path.”

We drink tha rum, we eat tha meat, we sail tha seas, we slay tha foes.
Aye this is the life of a pirate on the sea.

“I fear a man who have sailed for fewer years than me, only five years have he lived on the sea, and is crew is only of 5 men. Even though he be young of years he is a man to fear. More men have he killed than Morgan, Sam, Teach, Jones and me’self combined.

We drink tha rum, we eat tha meat, we sail tha seas, we slay tha foes.
Aye this is the life of a pirate on the sea.

“I fought ‘im once and he let me live, shamed as I was I asked ‘im to do me in. But he red eye was cold as he said “no, join me crew and ye will be a great man of tha sea.” I looked at ‘is eye and knew he was right, so me only answer was “Aye, captain.””

We drink tha rum, we eat tha meat, we sail tha seas, we slay tha foes.
Aye this is the life of a pirate on the sea.

“So now ye see that there are a greater man than me? Once a year tha crew meet and we have a party. Morgan seek there once a year, so does black sam, me’self and Teach though he is always late. Be it one of those years even Jones arrives. We gather around a pirate greater than all of us combined to hear his words and laws.”

We drink tha rum, we eat tha meat, we sail tha seas, we slay tha foes.
Aye this is the life of a pirate on the sea.

“We wait for his words fer hours each year and when the place is more quite than a grave he speak in a voice than brings death to weaker people than us 5 pirate lord. He says “Drink tha rum, eat tha meat, sail tha sea, and slay tha foes. Those are the laws of tha Ninja Pirates crew.”

Drink tha rum, eat tha meat, sail tha sea, and slay tha foes.
Those are the laws of tha Ninja Pirates crew.”

“So I say to ye now, I am not the greatest pirate there is, fer see you his Jolly Rogers, and hear you the low voice of a peg leg behin ye. Make no moves, simply say these words I tell you now: “You captain of Morgan, Black Sam, Teach, Jones and even me owm captain. I ask you do not kill me for I am not worthy of being killed by ye.” Save you this will not, he will kill ye anyhow but he will have a laugh as he do so.

Drink tha rum, eat tha meat, sail tha sea, and slay tha foes.
Those are the laws of tha Ninja Pirates crew.”

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