Sunday, April 27, 2008

A map of my mind

Jeg var sgu lige ved at glemme at lægge den op men her er ugens historie.
De historier jeg nævner til sidst eksisterer, i får dem ikke at se men de eksisterer og findes i den masse jeg har valgt at kalde min hjerne.

A map of my mind.
Why do I write what I write? Why do the horrors of twisted minds, the fables of lost lands and the everyday story turned supernatural intrigue me so much? What is it that makes me connect with a mutant trying to get back his humanity or a detective who tries to make the world a better place? To tell you the truth: it happens. I do not make op stories, I just write them down. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t steal stories and take credit for them, I just write what I see. Where you see a drunken mother yelling at her 12 year old son, I see a dictator trying to oppress the youth of the people. Where you see a dog burying a bone, I see a pirate hiding his treasure so that no living man can find and steal his things. Where you see a hobo on the sidewalk, I see a life worth of stories waiting to be put on paper, leading to the sad end of today.
I see stories where most see nothing, but when I really see the twisted ones, are when I look inside my own head. I do so often, trying to grasp what it is I am, and what it is that makes me tick. It is when I look upon that growing field of fantasy flowers and rivers of ideas flowing from the everlasting mountains of creativity that I imagine new things, most of them stay in the river of ideas though. But every once in a blue moon a small creature emerges from the river and crawl unto land. Here the creature grow, eating the flowers of fantasy and the grass of possibilities, the creature steadily grow into a story or a joke or one of the countless of other creatures that have inhabited my brain. As the stories are written, or the jokes are told, the bodies of them start to decay, they’re slowly wither away on the field and their corpses provide nutrition for the fantasy flowers and the grass of possibilities, thereby creating an endless circle of creation and destruction. Some time two creatures emerge from the river at the same time, these two creatures develop a symbiotic existence, they live together, grow together and they will eventually either blossom or die together.
Sometimes the stories are forced to stay in my mind before they can be put into writing, when this happens they are taken to the farm. The farm is where they meet other ideas, and most importantly, the place where they meet my greatest secrets and my most treasured memories. Sometimes the stories and secrets are brought together and becomes one. I think of them as chimeras, stories spawned from a multitude of different ideas, memories and secrets, these chimeras are some of the most twisted and private stories that I have ever created. Most of them are never turned into writing because I fear the reaction from my readers. They are stories unlike anything else I write and they strike fear in my own heart, not because of the story itself, but because I know that I created it. These stories cannot be destroyed and they still live and haunt my mind when I go to sleep. I’ll let you into a little secret: Just before sleep takes and drags me into the place they call the dream land, I start thinking about them, they sneak into my mind and for a short while I think about them, I figure out what will happen in them, and that is how these stories evolve in my mind growing into monstrous beasts that threatens to latch on to every piece of paper I come across, and thereby gain entry to the real world.
You may think that this is but poor joke, a way for me to entertain you and please myself. You may wonder what I mean when I talk about this wonderland in my mind. Well let me put it this way: where you see a field I see a mind, and where you see a twisted chimera I see an obsession. You might be curious about these forbidden stories, but I am afraid they will never be seen by any other mortal man than I. They are too close to my heart as they contain my most private wishes and my most treasured memories.


Thit said...

At læse disse tanker, får mig sådan til at mindes et facinerende begreb kaldet 'erindringspaladset', beskrevet i Hannibal-trilogien.

Dr. Lecter opbygger dette palads langsomt igennem hele sit liv, møbleret med tanker i mørket i hans sinds inderste.
I de uendelig mange rum er billeder, hændelser og musik, og alle er de kædet sammen i sirlige mønstre.
Her ernærer han sig ved dets rigdomme, både når der er aller mest stille og når en uventet situation kræver at der handles uden tøven.

På en lignende måde arkiverer Fox Mulder hændelser med sin fotografiske hukommelse, og ser muligheder og nye sammenhænge krystalklart.

Det er fiktion, men jeg har længe misundt disse evner, som jeg mener er en del af hele essensen i kreativitet.
Jeg har endnu ikke fundet ud af præcis hvad mit talent er, og hvordan jeg finder min helt særlige metode til at lade det blomstre.

Det ser ud til at du er godt på vej.


Thit said...

Hej Simon! :)

Jeg kom lige til at tænke på et af mine absolut yndlings-citater, der har fulgt mig lige så længe jeg husker. Vil lige dele det med dig her i de sene nattetimer:

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.

Lovecraft, fra 'The Call of Cthulhu' (1926)